The book is Liaison Communication Between Teachers, Students, & Parents

"Supreme Court, says Mrs teachers have homework Indonesian. Tomorrow morning should be collected, "said Melia (7 years) after school. "Where's the connecting books? Mommy look! "Shortly after reading the text contained in the book such a liaison," Okay, now Melia nap first, yes this afternoon his homework done. "

Simplify Communications

For Moms who have sons or daughters of grade 1 to grade 3 elementary school, would be familiar with the term liaison book. According to Siti Saadah Lilis, S. Th.i, Master SDN 18 Kebun Jeruk West Jakarta, the book will facilitate liaison teachers, students and parents to communicate without requiring a special time.

Added by Hazizah, parents of Muhammad Fazri (8 Years), for parents who did not get picked up regularly take their children to school and follow the activities and development of their children per day on school days, the book is the media liaison function that can be optimized as a means of communication between parents and teachers.

"Parents can be mutually reciprocated the news and the response to the teacher about the learning progress and attitudes of children in school,"

User interface is different from the guidance counseling or school reports. If report cards are usually given at a certain time period. Sedangkanbuku link can be used anytime when needed. For example, to deliver announcements that are related to the teaching-learning process. Like submit homework, daily tests and other info-info related to the smoothness of the tasks of children at school and at home.

Two-Way Communication

The book aims to link parents know the events at school or things that had to be known to parents. For example, there are PR bahasaIndonesia things. 20, 10-10 numbers do homework and copied in the book are collected on Wednesday.

Conversely, because the book can be used two-way link, meaning that parents can also write in the book, the school (teachers) can also find special events at home, from parents delivered the news. For example, in the book that a parent liaison can write: On Monday Melia fever. Doctors advised him not to go gym first.

So the teacher can know the specific incidents that occurred at the home of what is delivered by parents. Thus the book liaison must be taken every day to school.

Many benefits can be obtained from the book link. In particular, for children who sat on a low grade such as grade 1 to 3 SD. Although currently required to be read when entering elementary school, but in reality there are some children in early grades has not been able to read fluently. Also not been able to remember school work or set up a schedule properly.

User interface could help the child recall the school work he had to do, especially for children who rarely communicates with parents. So the child can not lie jikaguru has given chores, because already written the book of liaison. Thus, both parents and teachers can both monitor the behavior of the child.

Effective Liaison book, When ...

Order book is not just a piece of connective book, there should be certain aspects that are included in the book such a liaison. Among others, day and date, ie the time he wrote a message in the book. Also a description of what is to be delivered. Lastly, the initial parent or teacher, to show that they have read the book.

While specific reporting whether or not depends on what will be written in the book. If that was written more information, it helps to be specific. Meanwhile, if the written is a problem or complaint of teachers, teacher's good just to write an outline only, then make an appointment met with the parents.

To be effective liaison book, there are several things to be aware of teachers when they want to write a report on the book link, namely:

The report should not be judging a child with a less objective assessment. There are good teachers just write about the situation. Example right: Galina did not bring gym clothes, so that he could not follow the gym today. While one example: Galina naughty, for not wearing sports clothes.

Therefore he should not be punished join gym. For children who can read, teachers need not write in detail what is to be conveyed to parents. Especially if it concerns a child's behavior is 'problematic'. Sebaiknyaguru just write wishes the school to meet parents by providing a meeting schedule. That way, teachers can freely express problems related to the child during the meeting.


Exterminate Dandruff with Vodka

Vodka is not only undrinkable. It may sound a little extreme, but this one alcoholic beverage did have some other benefits for beauty.

What are its uses? Here is the answer, as quoted from She Knows:

Vodka can be used as an astringent to shrink pores, cleanse impurities and refresh the skin. Dampen cotton wool with a little vodka, and then wipe the entire face.

Vodka is believed to stimulate hair growth. Pour a shot of vodka into your shampoo bottle to help cleanse the hair and scalp.

Exterminator Dandruff
Mix three teaspoons rosemary leaves that have been mashed into a cup of vodka. Let stand overnight, then strain to remove pulp rosemary. Guyurkan on the head as she gave a light massage. Allow it to dry and rinse with cold water.

Eliminate Foot Odor No Sedap
To eliminate the odor on the feet, pour one cup of vodka into the warm water and soak the feet after activity.


Adverse Lying For Body

In the movie "The Dilemma, character actor Vince Vaughn is keeping a big secret that his best friend's wife was having an affair. If you are in a similar position, know the adverse effects lie in the body.

They are in a position to hide something put himself in danger. Guilt is only the beginning.

Along with guilt, those who lie, omit the truth or keep secrets at risk for some health complications.

"For starters, lied to release stress hormones. The increase of this hormone causes increased heart rate and respiration, digestion slows, and hypersensitivity to muscle and nerve fibers, "

The effect is probably not serious, but over time, lying can cause the condition, such as coronary heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, and heart failure. Why?

"Blood pressure increased in the liver when you are lying. This can threaten your life in the long term, "

For information, the link between blood pressure and lie like the lie detector indicated. Polygram or lie detector test could accurately measure the tool is a lie because a person's blood pressure.

Maybe lying is not quickly make your stroke, but there is evidence that the more you lie, the easier you get disaster.

According to the research in November 2010 by the Department of Psychology, University of Ghent in Belgium and has been published in the journal Consciousness and Cognition, "Often telling the truth makes someone hard to lie, and often lie to make someone much easier to lie."

"In other words, you reap what you sow. The more you lie the more easily you do it, vice versa, "

Those who often lie or keep a big secret for years may not feel any disturbance. But from time to time, they are significantly more risky in poor health.

Apparently, lying does not just hurt someone, but also your body.

"Rather than get stuck in a vicious circle lies like in the movie The Dilemma, the best way is consistently honest,"


Correct Forms of Abnormal Feet with Orthotics

Orthotick is a tool to repair abnormal foot conditions such as foot-shaped X or O. Flat foot also include abnormal shape of the foot that needs to be repaired.

Orthotic treatment is considered to be an effective, conservative, and safe for several conditions including growth on the heel bone, the knee is not straight, and various other foot deformities.

Flat foot is unstable in the use of more energy, have poor performance and wear and tear associated with other body parts such as knees, legs and hip joints.

"This usually occurs at an early age. In fact, research shows it begins before birth. Research has proven that people of Asian ethnicity indicates a genetic predisposition memiilki feet flat, "

The flat foot can also occur in adulthood due to injury or prolonged stress on the feet. Flat foot also occur because of biomechanical or normal aging process. The more we get older, your foot arches will be lower because the ligaments that support the bones in the lower curve of your foot. This is not surprising because the average person walking around 128,000 km during around the earth.

How is it treated? "Yes, by using functional orthotics (which fix the abnormal function without disrupting the normal functions). It is specially made plastic device worn in your shoe. Create a foot orthotic to the correct position, "

Treatment begins by examining the patient thoroughly. It takes approximately 45 minutes to do this properly.

Then, the lab receives the gypsum with the size of the podiatrist. There are about 65 stages in the manufacture of an orthotic that can take several days. Body Clinic has its own laboratory to make the orthotic the only one in Indonesia, which makes the process very fast. Subsequently the patient was called back to match the orthotic.

Orthotic has made changes to the symptoms of children's flat feet. That's why custom-made orthotic is very important for children to achieve the best results.

"Sol flexible shoes that are useful but it is more suitable for pain relief in patients with arthritis or diabetes. Such orthotic has little benefit, if any, when used to treat children in infancy, "

According to Dr. Peter, side effects are usually positive, such as disappearance of pain in the knee. However, if the doctor makes the wrong size or angle orthotic that is not true, can cause pain. If it were so, there must be checking back.


Avoid Aging with Lychee Fruit

Most of the energy derived from carbohydrates (sugars), amounting to 59.9 kcal, the rest from protein and fat in a row by 2.8 kcal and 3.7 kcal.

Lychee contain sucrose and glucose abundance. Therefore, eating lychee fruit at night to increase energy reserves for the next day. Sugars contained in the lychees generally reach 10-13 percent. Lychee is also a source of food fiber (dietary fiber), which is about 1.3 grams per 100 grams of fruit flesh.

"Actually a lot. There are carbohydrates, protein, fiber. Vitamins at most vitamin C, "

Fat content was very low, around 5.6 percent, so it is good to be consumed by all age groups, including those on a diet to maintain or lose weight. Therefore, there is no limit how many lychees that should be consumed per day.

Vitamins are the most prominent is the vitamin C content of 71.5 mg per 100 g of fruit flesh. By eating 100 grams of lychee fruit, you are able to meet more than 100 percent of vitamin C a day.

"Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant that works to increase the immune system so as to prevent influenza and cough. To prevent premature aging, prevents skin wrinkles, and dry skin. And most importantly, he contains polyphenols to prevent cancer. Antioxidants are also good for the heart. So, he take care of the heart wall, against the sediment, and degenaratif, "

Vitamin C is very useful for attacks against free radicals, causes premature aging, cancer and other diseases. From a recent study in Sichuan University in China, it is known that the antioxidant content in lychee prevent the formation of breast cancer cells. That's because vitamin C is very high at around 71.5 mg per 100 g of fruit flesh.

A French study published in the Journal of Nutrition showed that the lychees contain the highest polyphenol is good for the heart, almost 15 percent more than wine.

David Grotto RD, author of 101 Food That Could Save Your Life! revealed that these compounds are also able to prevent cancer because the polyphenols work as a ready defense against any attack destroyer body cells.

"And to prevent stroke. In a study in the United States, high concentrations of vitamin C are associated with a reduced occurrence of stroke by 42 percent. Maybe it's from antioxidants. He will maintain elasticity of blood vessels, so it is not easily broken, "

Lychee also contains the highest mineral, ie calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. Calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium are important minerals triad for bone formation and normal body frame. This substance is needed by the children in the pertummbuhan and also adults to inhibit the rate of osteoporosis. Copper is one mechanism satumineral antioxidants to keep the body in eliminating free radicals.

How many servings of lychees that should be consumed in a day?

"One cup for a 2,000 calorie diet. One day with a high sugar content. Approximately 200 grams contain 125 calories ¾ plate of rice. Should consume 1 cup a day and divided. Never once eaten. Divided by 4 servings 1 cup of it. Per share of about 50 grams, "

Given the high sugar content, reaching 16.53 per 100 grams or 1.5 tablespoons of sugar per 100 grams, this fruit is not recommended for consumption with diabetes. The patients with heart disease and kidney was not advisable to consume this fruit because the content of potassium was below 3.5 mgr. While the lychees was 171 mgr. So not recommended for heart disease and kidney. In fact Ntar pounding.


What Men Think When You Ask the End?

Not long ago, you told the lover that the love relationship has ended. Have you ever wondered what was in mind when you express a desire break up?

Here are eight things that are usually considered a man when you say the word end, as reviewed Allwomenstalk.

Because I am poor

When disconnected love, most men would think the reason for not having enough money and job prospects are less promising. Especially when you're both just a matter of financial discussions.

There was another man in your life

Men regard, the presence of another man is the reason most women decide love her lover. If everything went perfect and nothing suspicious, then why would a third person.

He's not good enough for you

Not a few men eventually surrendered when confronted with the fact that he's not good enough for her lover. Sounds pathetic, right? Men who think this way tend to be difficult to get a date, especially if the women belong to the claimant.

It's time to end

If you both are always involved in the debate and pointed at each other action still, he feels that this is the right time to end kisahcinta.

He wants you to know affair

This is another terrible reason. When he was having an affair (without you knowing it), he'll be glad you decided to love. He considered, it's time you should know he has been betrayed.

Your intention precedes

He has long wanted to end the relationship, but it turns out you are ahead of her desire. You beat him to it.

You hate his friends

If recently you hang out with her friends, then ask for breaking shortly, he thinks the reason for sure because they are. He thought his friends had told him about the secret.

Time for a new girlfriend

Of course, the final breakup is not everything. Men think it's time for a new girlfriend. As a proverb says, "There are many fish in the ocean."


Beware! 5 The House It's Dangerous to Your Health

Many household devices that once used at home, turned out to be dangerous. In fact, it could cause the inhabitants of developing the disease until death.

The experts from Barts and The London Hospital has warned that even at home, does not mean protected from harmful bacteria. They exist everywhere, in the toilet, furniture, pillows, cutting boards, toothbrush, and in footwear.

But, let us discuss a variety of hazardous household devices to reduce health risks, as quoted Genius Beauty.

Wooden cutting board

First of all, experts recommend wooden cutting board to remove the board. Wood is more porous material than plastic, glass, or metal.

According to John Oxford, professor of virology at Barts and The London Hospital, wooden cutting board is much easier for the bacteria (bacillus most of intestine) to reproduce the wood.

Research has shown, that one of the wooden cutting board that is used 50 times more of the bacteria found on the bottom edge of the toilet. That is why one should not spray cleaners and disinfectants carelessly.

Plastic cutting board

When cutting vegetables, bacteria can go through plastic surface, and vice versa. Once there is wearing a plastic cutting board, one must quickly get rid of it.


Brush your teeth can even cause serious illness, such as arthritis, and heart attacks. Research conducted by the University of Manchester showed that ordinary toothbrush is home to approximately ten million bacteria, including staphylococci, streptococci, and fungi. The scientists suggest to replace toothbrushes every two to three months.


The same condition was also found on the towel. They should be washed at a temperature of 90 degrees or more which will make it disinfected.


Pillows are another enemy of the health of the community. Dust and bacteria can provoke fever, eczema, and asthma. Professor Jean Amberline of the British Society for Allergy justify it. According to him, it's better to replace pillows every two years.


Facebook Could Be Cause Divorce

For most people, social networking websites Facebook is a safe way to keep in touch with friends and family. But the temptations of the social networking site would be a major factor in divorce. How come?

Through Facebook, you can trace an old friend or former lover who had no idea where it is located. But now, Facebook is also increasingly widely used as a tool of infidelity in divorce cases.

Family's lawyer has revealed that this problem has become so large that almost every case they handle divorce is always dealing with the past and melibatkanFacebook. One expert said he was handling 30 cases in the last nine months and up had a part in them.

While other online law firm, said one in five of their divorce petition last year contain references to Facebook.

Emma Patel, head of family law in Hart Scales & Hodges Solicitors, said the site up to act as "virtually a third party" of separation. So that was disitat Legal from the Telegraph on Monday (1/24/2011).

"Facebook is being blamed for the increase in the amount of destruction of marriage, and quite remarkable that all requests that I see here since last May has menyebutkanFacebook as one of the reasons,"

"Great popularity and the lure of the site, which reads like Second Life, illicit Encounters, and Friends Reunited tempt couples to deceive one another. Couple of suspicious of infidelity have been using this to spy on their partners, and found tantalizing evidence that later cause such separation, "

Emma added that social networking sites tempt users to cheating spouses and exchanging love messages. This is seen from the wall posts that are increasingly being cited as evidence of activity "distraction" out of wedlock.

"They feel compelled to share their feelings online, and in some cases, they not only reveal the pressure that was experienced feelings of stress, but also make inflammatory accusations against her partner. Divorce is filled with full emotional time, but it's very important not to change the situation becomes public attention, making it possible for everyone to see, "

"The situation has deteriorated so badly, so we suggest that the feud couples to avoid these sites until the divorce is settled,"

Family law specialist based in Dorking, Surrey, said that the main reason the couple divorced for a very bad relationship in which one party is charged with malicious communication after a police involved in their relationship.

James Wrigley (34), from Hackney, east London, said, "my lover left me after knowing I have sent a message for a girl to work at work. He's got my password, and read the message and the end of that, four years together both in vain, but at least we were not married. "

Other examples include Marianna Gini (32), a housewife who had been married for six years before she found out through Facebook that her husband Robert (34), having an affair.

Sarah Picket (36), a housewife from Oldham and mother of three children married to taxi driver Chris (36), for eight years, until he is courted by a man who caused the divorce.

He's not cheating, but her husband discovered flirtatious messages and their relationship had ended in bitterness, and jealousy.


Low Calorie Healthy Breakfast Menu

Breakfast is often referred to as the most important meal in everyday life. This is because our bodies need enough energy to initiate activity, after more or less body fasting during sleep for about eight hours a day.

Breakfast menu usually be presented with a quick, easy and practical. But do not for reasons to be quick, then you ignore the content of nutrients and calories in it, especially for those who are on a diet.

Low calorie healthy breakfast and you can get without taking time to prepare and eat them. Here are four healthy breakfast menu and low in calories, as reported by the LIVESTRONG:

1. Oatmeal Porridge
A bowl full of oatmeal porridge can make you feel full until lunch arrived. Because it is made from whole wheat, oatmeal release energy slowly and are capable of storing energy reserves in the body longer. Plus, half a cup of oats only contains 150 calories, meet the 15 percent intake of fiber and 10 percent iron from your daily nutritional needs. You can add some fresh fruit as a topping, like strawberry, raspberry, apricot or peach. Avoid topping a lot of sugar content.

2. Eggs
Eggs are an ideal food for breakfast as rich in protein and easy and quick presentation. One large egg contains 70 calories and 13 percent meet the daily protein requirement. You can make an omelet from two eggs that produce only 150 calories. Or, you can make a sandwich of two pieces of toast with poached egg stuffing.

3. Smoothies
If you are too busy so not had time to prepare a full breakfast, try to complete your morning nutrition by mouth. Make a smoothie from a mixture of one cup of skim milk and bananas. Bananas can meet the needs carbohydrates, vitamin C, vitamin b-6, magnesium and potassium. While the milk to meet calcium needs.

4. Fruit
Various kinds of fruit can you if a healthy breakfast rich in nutrients that are low in calories. Low-fat yogurt topped with fresh fruit or apple slices spread with peanut butter could be the right choice.

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