The book is Liaison Communication Between Teachers, Students, & Parents

"Supreme Court, says Mrs teachers have homework Indonesian. Tomorrow morning should be collected, "said Melia (7 years) after school. "Where's the connecting books? Mommy look! "Shortly after reading the text contained in the book such a liaison," Okay, now Melia nap first, yes this afternoon his homework done. "

Simplify Communications

For Moms who have sons or daughters of grade 1 to grade 3 elementary school, would be familiar with the term liaison book. According to Siti Saadah Lilis, S. Th.i, Master SDN 18 Kebun Jeruk West Jakarta, the book will facilitate liaison teachers, students and parents to communicate without requiring a special time.

Added by Hazizah, parents of Muhammad Fazri (8 Years), for parents who did not get picked up regularly take their children to school and follow the activities and development of their children per day on school days, the book is the media liaison function that can be optimized as a means of communication between parents and teachers.

"Parents can be mutually reciprocated the news and the response to the teacher about the learning progress and attitudes of children in school,"

User interface is different from the guidance counseling or school reports. If report cards are usually given at a certain time period. Sedangkanbuku link can be used anytime when needed. For example, to deliver announcements that are related to the teaching-learning process. Like submit homework, daily tests and other info-info related to the smoothness of the tasks of children at school and at home.

Two-Way Communication

The book aims to link parents know the events at school or things that had to be known to parents. For example, there are PR bahasaIndonesia things. 20, 10-10 numbers do homework and copied in the book are collected on Wednesday.

Conversely, because the book can be used two-way link, meaning that parents can also write in the book, the school (teachers) can also find special events at home, from parents delivered the news. For example, in the book that a parent liaison can write: On Monday Melia fever. Doctors advised him not to go gym first.

So the teacher can know the specific incidents that occurred at the home of what is delivered by parents. Thus the book liaison must be taken every day to school.

Many benefits can be obtained from the book link. In particular, for children who sat on a low grade such as grade 1 to 3 SD. Although currently required to be read when entering elementary school, but in reality there are some children in early grades has not been able to read fluently. Also not been able to remember school work or set up a schedule properly.

User interface could help the child recall the school work he had to do, especially for children who rarely communicates with parents. So the child can not lie jikaguru has given chores, because already written the book of liaison. Thus, both parents and teachers can both monitor the behavior of the child.

Effective Liaison book, When ...

Order book is not just a piece of connective book, there should be certain aspects that are included in the book such a liaison. Among others, day and date, ie the time he wrote a message in the book. Also a description of what is to be delivered. Lastly, the initial parent or teacher, to show that they have read the book.

While specific reporting whether or not depends on what will be written in the book. If that was written more information, it helps to be specific. Meanwhile, if the written is a problem or complaint of teachers, teacher's good just to write an outline only, then make an appointment met with the parents.

To be effective liaison book, there are several things to be aware of teachers when they want to write a report on the book link, namely:

The report should not be judging a child with a less objective assessment. There are good teachers just write about the situation. Example right: Galina did not bring gym clothes, so that he could not follow the gym today. While one example: Galina naughty, for not wearing sports clothes.

Therefore he should not be punished join gym. For children who can read, teachers need not write in detail what is to be conveyed to parents. Especially if it concerns a child's behavior is 'problematic'. Sebaiknyaguru just write wishes the school to meet parents by providing a meeting schedule. That way, teachers can freely express problems related to the child during the meeting.


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I Center mengatakan...

good communicates....
maybe klik ....thanks any way

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