Adverse Lying For Body

In the movie "The Dilemma, character actor Vince Vaughn is keeping a big secret that his best friend's wife was having an affair. If you are in a similar position, know the adverse effects lie in the body.

They are in a position to hide something put himself in danger. Guilt is only the beginning.

Along with guilt, those who lie, omit the truth or keep secrets at risk for some health complications.

"For starters, lied to release stress hormones. The increase of this hormone causes increased heart rate and respiration, digestion slows, and hypersensitivity to muscle and nerve fibers, "

The effect is probably not serious, but over time, lying can cause the condition, such as coronary heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, and heart failure. Why?

"Blood pressure increased in the liver when you are lying. This can threaten your life in the long term, "

For information, the link between blood pressure and lie like the lie detector indicated. Polygram or lie detector test could accurately measure the tool is a lie because a person's blood pressure.

Maybe lying is not quickly make your stroke, but there is evidence that the more you lie, the easier you get disaster.

According to the research in November 2010 by the Department of Psychology, University of Ghent in Belgium and has been published in the journal Consciousness and Cognition, "Often telling the truth makes someone hard to lie, and often lie to make someone much easier to lie."

"In other words, you reap what you sow. The more you lie the more easily you do it, vice versa, "

Those who often lie or keep a big secret for years may not feel any disturbance. But from time to time, they are significantly more risky in poor health.

Apparently, lying does not just hurt someone, but also your body.

"Rather than get stuck in a vicious circle lies like in the movie The Dilemma, the best way is consistently honest,"


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