Typical Characteristics Sexy Men According to Women

Every woman has a different assessment about sexy men. Some judge of physical appearance, others from the intelligence, but also there is a judge of male leadership.

That said, the way women view sexy about a man somewhat shifted. For now, women do not just look at physical appearance as a factor that makes a man look sexy. However, you have the right to give another assessment.

Bettyconfidential launch the results of its survey on women's sexy about a man in their eyes, the following:


Apparently, she saw a man sexy is the figure of a man who has a sense of confidence (but, too high). Women noted that men who believe in itself is the thing that makes him sexy.

"When all her male friends to do the same, but there is one man who did things beyond most people, that's the sexy man," said Jane, survey participants from Los Angeles.

"More sexy again when the man held principally with logic!".

"When a man says, 'This is my girlfriend' with pride and not care what his friends say, he's a sexy man!," Said Ellie, participants from Houston.


Men man with an attitude of a gentleman, for women, he was the one sexy man.


A man who emosionya stable, not easily panicked, and reliable, very attractive in the eyes of women.

"I love my boyfriend who is always calm and keep his cool attitude, like Barack Obama. He does not panic easily or show excessive emotion when the going gets tough, and it makes me feel safe with him," said Jessie, participants from Stamford, CT.


Most women who are physical states as the thing that makes a man sexy, specifically mentioning the buttocks. Next is the eyes and arms.

Being a leader

"I am interested in Men Alpha (alpha males)," said Krissy, participants from New York.

Many of the women mentioned that sexy man is a man who became leader of the group, both among friends socially or at work.


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