Happy Do If Being the only begotten Son?

Single child is identical with the nature of spoiled, because the full attention of both parents. A recent study revealed that the child also feels her life happier. Really?

In an interview with Rolling Stone magazine, actress Natalie Portman has said that he will never be an actress, if not the only child.

"Because my parents would never allow my family to become a star at the expense of other children,"

In essence, he believes there are many advantages of living without having siblings.

One of the projects in a wide range of research related to family life conducted in the UK revealed that a family who have fewer children, the more blessed are they. And have a single child of the most satisfied of them. The findings are published exclusively by the Daily Observer.

The study shows, "sibling violence" can be part of the problem in a family, with the conclusion of 31 percent of children said they were hit, kicked, or pushed by his brother with the intensity of "pretty much" or "a lot".

Another child complains frequently stolen goods by siblings.

The numbers above are the result data of Understanding Society, a study tracking the lives of 100,000 people in 40,000 British households. Clearly, this report will be presented in Britain in 2011, the State of the Nation, a magazine published by the Economic and Social Research Council.

Studies involving children and the happiness it also revealed that about seven out of 10 British teenagers was "very satisfied" with their lives. Children from ethnic minorities on average happier than indigenous white British. In addition, the happiness would decline if they have siblings in a family.

These findings are based on in-depth surveys conducted at 2,500 young people, who have been analyzed by Gundi Knies of the Institute for Social and Economic Research at the University of Essex in which a study of Understanding Society, is coming from. He mentioned, other factors such as competition in attracting the attention of parents or the fact that the distribution of toys, candy, or a room can be the cause.

Knies also pointed to other data in the study of sibling violence, which is about 29.5 percent of teens who complained called "a disgusting person" by his own numbers "pretty much" or "a lot". Meanwhile, 17.6 percent of them admitted her personal belongings were taken by their relatives.

Professor Dieter Wolke of the University of Warwick, a lot of contact with the biological sibling tension issues, said more than half of participants (approximately 54 percent) engaged in acts of violence or contempt by his brother or the other.

Even so, there is also evidence to suggest that siblings can provide support to one another. He warned that children who face violence or abuse at home or in the playground was very vulnerable developing into problem behavior and a sense of unhappiness.
Wolke did not study the impact of the tension of them is at the elderly.

"From the reports funny-persiflage, siblings fight to increase parental stress and some of them surrendered to intervene or not intervene consistently and leave a vast land of wide open for an annoying brother,"

Siobhan Freegard, founder of Netmums site who has three children said, many mothers feel like a "referee" after their children reach a certain age and began to quarrel with their brethren. He questioned whether the findings on happiness is linked to the fact that children are desperate to get parents' attention.

"With three kids, three servings means preparing dinner, washing three more times, three times as much driving to attend extracurricular school activities, where you get less time for all three. I like to think they are getting benefits in other ways, "

He said the findings would be beneficial in the long run as an aid for parents and children who always feels lonely being an only child. Freegard recently discussed the issue with his friend, Tanya Honey, who has one daughter. Honey acknowledges that his daughter, Gemma, 7, recently wrote "baby" in the shopping list.

"But my friends always say that he is a child who is really very happy. When we go on vacation he is good at making friends who can not travel to do when they have siblings. Because he will rely on his brother, "

While these findings seem surprising, experts say there are obvious reasons why having a lot of you can reduce happiness. Dr Ruth Coppard, a child psychologist, said that in a simple house with many children, their privacy will be reduced for each child.

"Some children are happy to share a bedroom with his brother, but they would rather choose to do so rather than having to do it. Here there is competition for parental time and attention, "

"After that (have another child) I would need a larger car, the bedroom a lot, and plan a vacation it will be difficult," he said. However, he believes that there is also a problem for children only, which is "the sole recipient of parental expectations." Parentline Plus, a charity which offers support to parents, regularly receive complaints about sibling rivalry.

"Families do a report on the fears of high levels of sibling conflict can lead to bladder and stress. But most importantly, try to help and support each family to find more effective ways to handle this problem, "

He has published a series of tips for parents, including do not be too quick to blame, even if a child appears not guilty. Then, make sure the children have a special place for their goods, ask them to ask if you want to use something owned by his brother. Finally, show unequivocally that you do not approve of violent behavior.


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