Advanced Technology Toys Apparently Threatening Child

Children's toy that has a sophisticated and cutting-edge technology was potentially harmful to a child's growth and development. Parents must be smart to choose which toy is a smaller risk for children.

Many children's toys on the market today have been designed using the latest and most advanced technology. But the more sophisticated a toy is made, it turns out the dangers of getting too high. The problem is that according to toy safety experts, to watch out for by parents or anyone who wants to give a gift for the little guy.

Small magnetic material, battery with the number of lots and laser lights are some of the features contained in the same modern toys with dangerous small parts and sharp on conventional toys. "Toys are for fun, joy, and learning," said Rachel Weintraub, director of product safety Consumer Federation of America, the United States.

"Toys should be the source of all things and should be minimized by the potential dangers. Parents need to be more vigilant,"

Product Safety Commission, injuries from toys have been sending about 235,000 children in the United States entered the emergency room (ER) for treatment in 2008.

Meanwhile, 19 other children have died because of accidents involving toys. Choking hazard because it swallowed a small toy also has long been a major cause of death in children, thus encouraging the inclusion of warning labels on the surface of the item and recommended minimum age for a particular toy.

But in recent years, according to the U.S. consumer agency, driving or riding toys have been proven as the most dangerous toys than other types on the market. This statement is related to the case of death of the most widely experienced by children in 2008.

For example there are two children who were playing three-wheeled vehicle died from a motorcycle accident, and two others fell tumbling into a swimming pool and died of drowning. Meanwhile, other kinds of toys that can be climbed but without the driving force causing five deaths of children registered.

Toys that can be ridden by children also cause injury at most. In fact, the toy motor-motoran who do not use the machine plays about 25 percent of all toy-related injuries that caused the child hospitalized.

"Statistics on the number of injury serves as a reminder to parents that choosing the right toys is just the first step and the next is always vigilant and monitor when children play," said Dr. Pete Kehoe, an optometry from Illinois, the United States and interpreters talk to Prevent Blindness America organization.

"If you turn just a little, then you will soon get the problems (in children)," said Kehoe. Parents also should consider carefully about the new dangers posed by modern toys. "For example, many toys now have a small but powerful magnet, this magnet and has proven to be very dangerous,"

The danger arises when a child swallows more than one magnet. Weintraub said, magnets can remain united through the wall of the digestive tract of children, potentially causing internal damage or blockages in the channel in the body. "It can rip or interfere with (the body) through the intestinal tissue of children," he explained.

Moreover, small battery contained in the toy also other hazards that might receive children. If swallowed, the battery can be lodged in the esophagus and cause fatal damage to the tissues in the body due to burning of electric current from the battery.

Medical experts are investigating about the dangers of batteries in toys are published in the journal Pediatrics in June, said the battery is ingested to be removed from the esophagus of children within two hours afterward to prevent serious injury or death. "Organization of Consumers Union, never done a presentation in which they put a piece of ham on the battery and was on fire, "said Weintraub.

Laser pointers or pens and toys with laser light also pose hazards. A case in point occurred in Switzerland where a 15-year-old child playing with laser pointers and laser beams deliberately shone into his eyes, a result he suffered permanent blindness.

Problems regarding this matter have been published on 9 September in the journal New England Journal of Medicine. Even playing video games also can cause problems. "Too many video games can cause eye fatigue,"

"If you do something too much, of course that's not good for you,"

"Children should not spend more than 20 to 30 minutes playing video games without eyesight rest,"

For parents who want children happy by buying toys that are fun and avoid the threat of danger to the child, you should follow some important advice from Weintraub and the Kehoe and Prevent Blindness America.

First, follow the age recommendation listed on the packaging of toys. "The recommendations are usually referred through advertisements in the mass media, also via the Internet," Weintraub said. Consider also how a child's play and interact with the toy. For example, if you see a child enter a toy into his mouth, immediately aware of the potential choking hazard.

Then, make sure batteries in toys that use battery power remain firmly in place and can not be easily opened by children. Do not buy a toy magnet for kids who still love to insert objects into their mouths.

Also, always check all the loose parts, the edges and the sharp tip of the toy. When buying a toy that can be driven, be sure to also give him the proper protective equipment and make sure children wear. The most important thing is to always supervise children playing all the time.

And lastly, do not buy jewelry toys for children. "Sepert toy jewelry bracelets, necklaces and other products made of metal has the potential dangers associated with high levels of lead and cadmium that have been recommended for people not to buy it and children should not play with it,"


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