Got Pets, Beware Q Fever!

Do you have pets? Diligent care! Periksakanlah health! Moreover, these animals come from abroad. If not, it is not possible you are infected with bacteria that live on your pet.

Bacteria that need to be aware that there is in pets and livestock are Coxiealla burnetti. This bacterium is a gram-negative bacteria. This bacterium was first discovered in the area of Queensland by Frank Macfarlane Burnet. According to Dr. Galina Sri Mahardjo SpPD, from Polyclinic PTIK, South Jakarta, this bacterium has the characteristics that ought to be wary of.

One of them is resistance to environmental changes. "Resistant to heat, resistant to antiseptics. Formaldehyde aja other bacteria that can not stand, she could stand it. Then she also hold for days even yearly on the human body, "

Why do these bacteria need to watch out for? Coxiealla burnetti when infecting humans will cause Q fever or sometimes called Q fever.

"Q fever is a disease caused by bacterial infection Coxiealla burnetti,"

Q fever disease is so far still not been found in Indonesia. In developed countries like America, Spain, Japan, Malaysia up to the nearest country, cases of Q fever had enough attention.

"Actually, this bacterium has not been detected in Indonesia. Has not been officially discovered. But yet it could be because no one has got or has not already been reported as 50 percent if the infection most do not show typical symptoms. But in another country already shaken the case of this bacterium. As in America, Spain, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, even in the Netherlands was among six victims died, "

Q fever is actually a zoonotic disease, which can be transmitted from animals to humans or vice versa. While human transmission is rare. However, continued Dr. Galina, the community must remain vigilant. Although theoretically can not be transmitted between humans, if consider the case of bird flu that has the same theory, it is not impossible as well as Q fever. Can be transmitted from human to human.

"These bacteria including zoonoses. Zoonoses that he said from animals to humans. But from the experience of bird flu, told his theory from birds to humans, but it's not. Yes, you should be careful course, "

In the process, Coxiealla burnetti usually will infect livestock or pets as an intermediary host, in addition to the main stem, namely dogs. Farm animals that can be attacked, among others, cows, goats, sheep and other livestock. Coxiealla burnetti can spread within and outside the animal body. So that transmission to humans can occur with a variety of possibilities. For example, by holding the wool with an infection. Or also consume animal products, for example, milk or meat from infected animals. The bacteria would be very easily transmitted to humans through the mouth.

"It can vary. From the milk can, "

In addition, transmission over the air can also occur. Burnetti Coxiealla bacteria found in cattle feces or urine of livestock will be carried by the wind after drying. Then mix with dust. Even more alarming, these bacteria can survive for long. "Not just daily, but the annual," said Dr. Galina. In the dust of this bacteria can survive up to 120 days. In pig urine up to 49 days, 586 days in the stool, in milk 42 months at a temperature of 4-6 degrees Celsius, in wool 12-16 months at a temperature of 4-6 degrees Celsius.

Symptoms of Q fever disease is virtually undetectable because it is very difficult disease Q fever do not have typical symptoms such as other diseases. And it's also quite worrying and troublesome because in the end generated a lot of wrong dianosis.

"Symptoms do not think if that fever Q. More than 50 percent of people infected with Q fever do not show symptoms, "

However, if the symptoms eventually, it will be seen in patients about two to three weeks after exposure to bacteria.

"Symptoms such as flu,"

And then there are the signs or symptoms like high fever up to 40 degrees Celsius, severe headache, fatigue, sore throat, chills, sweating, dry cough or phlegm, chest pain, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and severe muscle pain.

Given the Q fever disease does not have or show symptoms early, the disease is also a little difficult to detect. Diagnosis can be done in the form of serologic tests to see an antibody response. By seeing an increase in antibody levels against the virulence of the bacteria, serology can detect chronic diseases early. In addition there are also other diagnostic methods.

"Laboratory tests with the IFA method (Imunnofluoresence assay) and DNA detection methods,"

This disease, continued Dr. Galina, dangerous, and dangerous. Q fever disease is chronic and cause a fatal condition that is caused liver failure, inflammation of the bone, brain inflammation, vascular disorders and is often the case is an inflammation of the heart (endocarditis) which is fatal. On digestion may cause diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. Even can also attack the brain.

"The danger is of chronic nature. Acute period that rarely appears. This chronic period which is usually fatal. This chronic period to watch out because this bacterium has long been perched on the human body. These bacteria can also attack the brain, causing inflammation of the brain. If it's fatal, can cause death. In the Netherlands alone was cause of death, "said Dr. Galina.

Given the Q fever disease is caused by bacteria, treatment can be done is by giving antibiotics. "Because this bacteria, treated using antibiotics. Many kinds, "said Dr. Galina.

The use of antibiotics so far it is still effective. Antibiotics are used is doxycicline umu, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin, and hydroxychloroquine. It's just that these antibiotics is not diajurkan for pregnant women.

"Just this antibiotic is not good for use in pregnancy. Arguably the recommended antibiotics for disease Q fever is not safe for pregnant women. So, at risk at all if there are pregnant women developing the disease Q fever A real dilemma. Because if left untreated, will get to her fetus. Drugs will affect the fetus. If not treated, will cause great pain, weight, and eventually cause a miscarriage, "

Indeed they do not directly make a fetus died. But antibiotics can affect the fetus. "It can affect fetal development such as tetracyclin can make teeth so yellow," therefore, typically many pregnant women who choose to undergo treatment after the birth process.

Treatment of Q fever disease is highly varied. Depending on the condition of each patient. Antibiotics will continue until the patient recovered.

"Healing time can not be ascertained. Depending on the strength of itself and the amount of germs that infect bacteria. So we can not be sure how long his recovery, "


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