Diet Menu Ala Superstar

Achieving the target can not be done instantly slim. Many ways to go. Besides sports, maintaining food intake can help you reach your ideal weight like a celebrity.

If you wish to achieve ideal weight goals quickly and easily, choosing to consume nine healthy food list below for day-to-day, probably will bring good results. Eating low-calorie foods, sources of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber is not difficult to obtain.

Here it is some kind of maid proper food diet program that quoted from Hello Beautiful:


Most of the species of fish and seafood is a healthy choice, but salmon is the fish most good with the content of protein and omega-3 amino acids high. Salmon is also low in cholesterol.

Not only do fish fats that keep your heart healthy, but they shrink your waist. Omega-3 fatty acids increase insulin sensitivity which helps build muscle and decrease in abdominal fat, and muscle you have. The more calories your body burns.


Dietitians often refer to plain yogurt as the perfect food, and for good reason. The reason, in the yogurt contains Trifecta of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, can prevent hunger by keeping blood sugar levels stable.

In a study from the University of Tennessee in Knoxville says, they are low-calorie diet, including yogurt lost 61 percent of belly fat as a whole. And 81 percent more fat than those who plan to diet but without the yogurt.


Women who have one serving of milk or cheese each day no risk to gain weight from time to time, a study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found this fact.

Whole milk may have more conjugated linoleic acid, which may help your body burn fat. And Parmesan is so flavorful, so it's easier to help your diet program.


These foods rich in fiber and protein, but it is also good for source of iron, maknesium, and vitamin E. Consumption of almonds that are raw or processed to obtain the best results, and avoid that is spiced with lots of salt or processed in the form of sweet foods, because that is bad for your diet program.

A study from the University of Toronto found that people who ate almonds with white bread did not experience the same spike in blood sugar than those who eat only one slice of bread.

Eating bread made of high blood sugar levels. And when low sugar levels can lead to hunger, causing people to overeat.

In addition, changes in blood sugar causes the body to make insulin, which can increase the fat in the abdomen. Eating almonds, almond butter or in the form of choice.


Apples for example, is a good example of an easily digestible fiber to help fight cholesterol. This juicy fruit is also good as a source of vitamin C.

A study from Penn State University in University Park is mentioned, people who chew the apple before eating pasta will eat fewer calories overall than those who snacked on a different snack.

In addition to the high fiber content, the content of antioxidants in apples may help prevent metabolic syndrome, a condition characterized by excess fat in the abdomen.

Black beans

According to data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, snack nuts to reduce weight and easy way to slim.

Nuts contain the ideal combination of nutrients that soluble fiber and insoluble removal of fat, protein, and carbohydrates. Peanut is a type of fat burner called resistant starch.


Cauliflower also contain vitamin C. Just need to consume 1 / 2 cup of 36 percent of your daily needs. One type of vegetable which is also effective against cancers that have been shown to have a lower risk of colorectal disease, lung, and stomach cancer.

And like almost all vegetables, low in calories cauliflower, but still offers fiber. Vegetables are also versatile and can be a substitute for a heavy meal.

Try the roasted cauliflower as a side dish for burgers or sandwiches, mashed with a little fat-free margarine to mimic the mashed potatoes, or puree, and added to the soup instead of cream. Confectionary this one can help your diet program.


All the good spices. You only need 1 / 2 teaspoon each day can help control blood sugar and prevent insulin that can trigger your body to store fat rather than burn it.

You can also use cinnamon to eliminate the natural sweetness in foods, rather than adding calories from sugar. All the spices to help you trim your body weight when used to add flavor to food, not oil, butter, spices and other calorie laden.


The content of caffeine in coffee can increase your resting metabolic rate by about 15 percent, and its effects can last up to four hours to burn 30 to 50 calories per day.

The people who fired three to four cups of regular or decaffeinated coffee per day, 30 percent more prone to type 2 diabetes. Chlorogenic acid, found in coffee, may help prevent insulin resistance, which can cause obesity and diabetes.


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