Beware of Viruses "Suicide" Early

Increasing suicide cases only. Depression usually be a factor. News about suicide in the media also have a role outbreaks of the virus "suicide" is.

Nour Fikri, 22, died hanged himself using a cord in the room kosannya, at Road No 40 Cilandak, my own tee, Bandung, Sunday (2 / 1). Students Telkom Management Institute (BMI) was later revealed depressed because her boyfriend found pregnant. He was unable to get out of the issue, including how to convey this issue to parents.

A day later, the repeated occurrence of suicide. This time the story is more dramatic and attract public attention. A desperate middle-aged man jumped from the 6th floor in Blok M Square. Presumably this man committed suicide because of depression with the disease. Depression is usually one of the reasons people commit suicide. In fact, this phenomenon seems increasingly becoming a trend only.

"Whatever the problem, if not overcome, a person may develop depression," said the famous psychiatrist of the Omni Hospital Alam Sutera Tangerang, dr Kresno Mulyadi SpKJ.

Explained Kresno, many causes someone to end his life with suicide. But the greatest, this incident caused her mental health problems who commit suicide, including depression, schizophrenia.

Based on data from the World Health Organization (WHO), mental problems is a major cause of suicide. Worldwide, an estimated 1 million people die of suicide each year. If on the average, every 40 minutes there one case of suicide in the world.

"90% of suicide due to mental health problems," he said during the interview directly by SINDO.

The same was said by a psychiatrist of the Omni Hospital Alam Sutera Tangerang, Dr. Andrew SpKJ, depression is a disorder most commonly found in mood disorders.

Depression is also a fairly common disease that occurs at this time, where 10% of the population in the United States suffer from this disease every year with or without treatment. Patients with depression aged 15-45 years spending big impact in the community, accounting for 10.3% of the total health care costs worldwide.

"One should look out for in patients with depression is the presence of suicidal thoughts that often come with or without a clear implementation plan," said the doctor graduated from University of Indonesia.

Suicide is a major health problem. Worldwide, approximately 1% of deaths related to suicide. In the United States suicide is the cause of the 8th of patients who died. In adolescents and young adults is 1 of 3 causes of death. Still explained Andrew, suicide is one of individual action.

However, to understand correctly about this, it must be seen in the form of social context also the occurrence of the incident. The introduction of the factors that influence suicide is very important.

"70% of people who commit suicide actually visited their doctor within 6 weeks before they decide to commit suicide," said the doctor who became a member of Central Board of Psychiatry Specialist Doctors Association of Indonesia (PDSKJI).

Described by him, most of them have to communicate about their suicidal ideas to the doctor and see the doctor before this ajal.Kasus is preventable because most of the suicide (70%) had visited their doctor 6 weeks before the incident.

This needs to get attention for the doctors to find out more early risk factors that lead to a suicide so that the incidence of suicide was not higher.

"People who are severely depressed generally necessary to release the burden and make them think about the practical way to avoid major depression eventually commit suicide," he said.

The phenomenon of suicide committed in crowded places, like in the shopping center was associated with cause someone to commit suicide. High-rise structures that make this feel suicidal a suitable place to end a life.

Jump from a height is their choice. Unfortunately, this turns out to also be a trigger for the candidates of other actors to participate in suicide like this. Be the recent months the media report suicide jump from a height of mall that seemed contagious.

"There is a phenomenon of 'me-too' in the incidence of suicide in the mall. They feel, the mall becomes the right place because usually people who committed suicide in the mall died instantly, "he said.

Many people think the perpetrators of suicide is an unbeliever. They take shortcuts to get freedom from the squeeze pressure. We should not behave that way. What happened to the perpetrators of suicide is sometimes difficult to understand for us who are in good condition.

"The role of media is also strongly related to this incident," he said.

Many television finally come in droves to provide comprehensive coverage, detail, and a little dramatized.

Everything is possible to provide information to the community as a whole. Andrew explains, behind all of it contained a fairly high risk, especially for people with mental health disorders who have suicide ideation who watched the event.

The picture that is too detailed and dramatic about reporting incidents of suicide is not recommended. Moreover, when the incidence of suicide was committed by a celebrity or a celebrity.

Sometimes the media forget to come back to describe the scenes of their suicide cases in detail. No wonder why the incidence of suicides by jumping as impressed contagious and become a trend lately.

"This can lead viewers to do the same thing," he said.


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