Awaken the Spirit After Long Vacation

After a long holiday, instead of making you eager to work, served instead to make a tired and lazy. Well, how do I return to work after the long holiday mood?

Back on the move after a vacation is sometimes made lazy, not the spirit which is obtained, but the body weak, and lazy move. Holiday weekend is the right time to eliminate the fatigue and forget the bustle for a moment.

When the holiday, the body is pampered, starting from eating all the food in the home, to sit relaxed with no activity at home, and generally that's what makes us feel lethargic.

Told by sports medicine specialists from the University of Indonesia, Dr. Grace Tumbelaka SpKO, in order to keep the activity running smoothly after a vacation, then do not ever forget to pay attention and maintain physical fitness for the body to re-fit.

"The easiest way is to look at food intake,"

At the time of vacation, almost everyone tends to be more frequently eat meat rather than vegetables, even consumed without seeing a balanced portion. Meanwhile, the body's activity decreases. That way, your metabolism is not smooth because energy intake more than it spent. Well, this excess energy will be stored the body in the form of fat that cause the body to limp and the body was stretched.

That is why, as soon as possible we have to fix the intake of food even when the holidays so that the body's condition remains excellent on the first day back to work after the weekend. Because if not, then the lack of fluids will lead to many problems, such as weakening the body's cells that make the body more susceptible to disease. Among other causes of dehydration are also urinary tract infection (UTI), and headache.

"The need for as much as 8 liters of mineral water a day even when fasting, remain to be fulfilled because it is useful to smooth the body's metabolism," he added.

Besides remain diligent in drinking water, food intake is also worth noting. Holiday does not mean you can eat all the food, like fat-rich dessert that can lead to excess sugar and toss heavy.

"If you want to keep eating fatty foods, choose small portions and not too often,"

Agency must be filled with nutrient intake and adequate protein levels adjusted for age. Consumption of foods containing vitamins and substances needed by the body, such as vitamin B7 (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8 and B12), and so forth.

To avoid fatty foods, you can prepare a healthy snack to take while traveling during holidays. This will help to overcome the desire to eat and your energy needs.

Bring a healthy snack, like fresh fruit, bread wheat, and soybeans. Besides food, beverages consumed must also be considered. High-calorie sweet drinks cold and generally make everyone's favorite, especially when the holidays. Instead, to make it more secure, choose drinks with low calorie such as fresh fruit juice with a little sugar.

"If food intake is kept, rest sufficiently. Do not get too happy holiday with your family, to forget the rest and continue to spur our physical conduct a variety of holiday activities, "

It is said by the owner of the House Special Care Face and Body with full-blooded method of therapy aura, Aura Dian Kenanga Totok, Salma Dian Priharjati, that the holiday has become an alternative to overcome the depression caused by the holidays, it can restore energy.

Diane said, if already in the office and return to work, to restore good shape after the holidays, can be done in a way that is easy.

Among them looking as comfortable as possible sitting position, when it's getting a comfortable position seated behind a table, then close your eyes and do the arrangement of breath for 2 minutes. Still in regular breathing, associate footprint both hands and place it on the back of the head with the inside of your palms against the back of the head.

Drag your palms toward the front while holding the body, until the maximum pull-resistant 5 seconds, release slowly, and do it for 7 times without releasing the breath before the technical arrangements.

Massage gently and slowly above the eyebrows in unison, starting from the base of the eyebrows (above nose) repeat 7 times, end with a stop at the end of the outer eyebrow. Then drag up towards the middle of the border between hair and forehead up to two fingers together, then pull up to the vortex center of your head.

"By doing relaxation in the office, then you will re-prime condition instantly,"


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