Recognize and Overcome Kleptomania Child

"IDIH, kecil-kecil kok suka mencuri". "Icky, small really like stealing." Do not directly accuse the little thief had Moms! It could be your baby Kleptomania. Yuk identify characteristics and how to overcome them.

≠ Stealing Kleptomania

Aliva According to Abdullah, M. Si, Kleptomania is a condition in a person who has a strong urge to take something. Sometimes it is something small objects and are not based on economic motives.

"Kleptomania is different from stealing. If stealing is no incentive to have, because it could not afford. Meanwhile, Kleptomania is not due to inability to buy, but a strong urge to take no apparent reason, "

For example, child stealing shoes. It said the boy if he wanted to steal shoes that he can not afford it. Or he afraid to ask for new shoes to her parents. Another case with Kleptomania. Children took the shoes, because the impetus is less clear. It may be that the child took a different shoe size to her.

Definitely Not Cause!

If asked how come still small Klepto? Until now the exact cause is unknown. Even so, there are several theories explaining the occurrence of Kleptomania.

"Anchored by chemicals in the brain called serotonin, substances that regulate one's mood and emotion. There is also an associate with obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety disorder in the lives of individuals who dominated repetatif thoughts (obsessions) that were followed by repetitive actions (compulsions) or depressive disorders. Kleptomania can also be caused by brain injury, "

Not aware of his actions

Unfortunately, children are less aware of his actions Kleptomania.

"Initially, the child feels Kleptomania impulses immediately take the goods of others. But once his actions known to other people or parents, he knew that he was guilty. Unfortunately, they are difficult to control the urge to take the goods of others of the moment, "

5 Characteristics Kleptomania Child

1. Appears tense feelings and enthusiasm before and while taking other people's property.

2. There is joy (euphoria) after taking the stuff dreams.

3. A Kleptomania does not need friends, so they do not start a friendship.

4. There are no feelings of anger or revenge to the owner of goods to be taken. Both the people who are not known or known to be close, both have the chance to become victims of the Kleptomania.

5. Children Kleptomania is not thinking about hallucinations or other schizophrenic symptoms. For example, he believes that the targeted goods it is his property, which was not hers (delusions or delusions).

Handle Child Kleptomania

Well, when Moms and Dads already know the character, now is the time immediately overcome. Therefore, the symptoms of Kleptomania can occur at the age of 5 years. Therefore, parents must deal. The trick?

"Take your child to get counseling and therapy for appropriate action. When Kleptomania is left, the child may lose confidence as a result of alleged thieves. Motivation of children to attend other activities for Facebook to divert attention from problems, also makes the child back confidence, "

Well, when there is 'stigma' thief, makes children become insecure in their environment. While it takes time for the environment may take it again. Of course it is important to him to restore his confidence.

For example, the school environment. Parents can facilitate communication with teachers. Encourage children attained their awareness in order to get back the trust of the environment.


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