Little Wear Glasses? Beware!

Identical with thick glasses nerdy. However, what if the thick glasses were used by the toddlers? Yuk Moms recognize the small signs need glasses and how to choose the right glasses for children.

Heredity and Environmental Factors

According to Dr Gustavo G Suardana, SPM from Jakarta Eye Center, there are two factors that cause children to wear glasses. Namely heredity and environmental factors. If both parents using glasses correction, then the child will likely use the glasses as well. But if only one parent who uses glasses, these opportunities will be fewer.

So, what if both parents of the child does not wear glasses? He replied, there is still a chance for kids to wear glasses. That is, this is no longer as transcription factors, but environmental factors.

For example, the habit of using his eyes to the activities near or even very close to excess, like watching TV too close, play games, playing play station or computer monitor to play games or learn. As a result, the distance eye and the screen is not maintained so that the speed of children who are genetically have the potential to be faster eye damage have to use glasses.

If so, see or read with a short distance will lead to a minus? Yes! According to Dr Gusti, that is because by looking too closely, children must see with strong accommodation. That is, there is an attempt eyes to adjust to the stress. As a result, when viewing far, the focus will fall in front of the retina - in other words myopia - and thus require a minus glasses to see far.

No Hurry To Prevent Eye Damage

Regarding heredity, it is already set in stone. But if environmental factors, we can still prevent:

Do not let children use the eyes are too close to excess. Expected minus appears very early, which could open opportunities to minus height at a later date with all the consequences.

If your child already minus eyes, consult a doctor for appropriate chosen glasses to aid vision. Due to be cured by not wearing his glasses and vision to normal again may be difficult. Except when it becomes an adult, can be performed refractive surgery such as lasik as is widely known today. And it was done when the minus does not change again.

Prepare the Child Mental

Glasses in children tends to restrict his movements. Moreover, at this age they are in the stage of rapid physical development. Preschooler age usually are happy-happy running around, or play some role play like his idol figures. Glasses clearly will restrict the movement of children.

So they tend not to want to wear. Surely this can make children grow minus eye. Or there are children who are not invited to play by their friends for fear of his glasses. This can make children become insecure or discouraged because it was not invited to play.

According Septiana Runikasari of Education Division of Counseling and Applied Psychology Institute, University of Indonesia said that when a child is diagnosed should use the glasses, then she should be mentally prepared about the things that will happen. Give an explanation or scientific reason why he should be wearing sunglasses, for example, there are abnormalities of the eyeball, to see more clearly and follow the lessons in school.

Usually when the first time wearing glasses, children often feel inferior, turned into a quiet, or do not want to play outdoors. If the child 'cranky' when teased by his friends because of glasses, it was reasonable. "Teach a child to be confident, that the glasses are not defective. It could be entertained that the glasses will add a beautiful or handsome, "he explained. If I need to give examples of figures such as doctors or teachers who use the father of Mrs. glasses. With the glasses will be more clearly seen, read and play so that the achievement of children will be better.

7 Signs of Troubled Little Eye

Reading and watching TV too close. This will make the eyes tired quickly accommodated and accelerate the decline in visual acuity and eye. But Moms know that your child might be 'forced' to do so because the distance of view has begun to decline? Maybe he was reading or watching too close not just because of habit, but because her eyes were already starting trouble.

Rubbed his eyes and quick-ngucek sleepy. Impaired visual acuity will make distant objects look blurred. Children will feel like seeing a misty object. Gradually his eyes became tired and sleepy.

Consider a sign like this. But that does not mean every child who quickly sleepy because of interference with the eyes. This is only one cause.

Squinting eyes. Squint when viewing far is a significant sign of disturbance in the eyes of the little guy. Squinting done to reduce exposure to light about the eye, so expect the object will be seen more clearly.

Usually done in glare situation and on distant objects. If your child did on the objects that are relatively not need to squint your eyes, suspicions that there was interference with the distance of view.

Closing one eye. Impaired visual acuity is often only on one eye only. Children will discover that one of his eyes could see more clearly than the other eye.

When viewing a distant object, he will rely on healthy eyes in a way that disturbed her eyes closed. If you find that habit, do not just assume that the child do so because of fraudulent, or was joking, because it could be that is one sign of her eyes was troubled.

Decreased academic achievement. Have you heard the opinion that children are wearing glasses that are smarter than those who do not? It actually proves that the eye has a very important role in supporting children's learning process.

Imagine what happens if a child is asked to do the problems on the blackboard by his teacher, while he could not clearly read the writing on the blackboard? It is probable that he could not do it not because he was stupidity, but because he could not read the problem. Teachers, of course, will give a bad rating on his performance, especially if it turns out that another party in such subjects. If he could see clearly, no differences in intelligence between children that glasses with a no.

Complained of dizziness and headaches. What happens if one could look with a clear eye, the eye while the other one not? The most common complaint is headache, with or without headache. These complaints are not solely caused by the heavy burden of school lessons, but more than that may be due to interference with the eyes.
Frequent blinking eyes, burning, and watery. Children will be more frequent blinking his eyes to get rid of feeling foggy in his eyes. This habit continues, if he would feel his eyes burning and watery if not blink. This will reduce the frequency flicker squinted. Even he could see more clearly with a wet eye, like he was wearing glasses.


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