Increases Health Risks Without Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important of all the foods we eat everyday. Australian scientists have reported, that a person will experience serious health risks if regularly skip breakfast.

Not eating porridge, eggs, or cheese sandwich worst significantly increased risk of cardiovascular disease, and metabolic disorders. Also, skip the food menus at breakfast also can lead to obesity, and diabetes. Pathology is listed as one of the main causes of premature death.

Scientists from the University of Tasmania express it. They first conduct research on long-term effects of hunger in the morning on health. More than ten thousand people dewasaAustralia participated in the study. So that was quoted from Genius Beauty, Wednesday (12/01/2011).

Of these, about two thousand regular breakfast. For more than 20 years of observation, most of them showed pathological symptoms, which doctors attributed to dietary disorders.

According to the Australian Committee on Nutrition, at least 23 percent of the adult population for whatever reason do not eat breakfast every day. One in ten children with no food in the morning, and these numbers continue to rise.

Experts at WHO said in a breakfast person must receive no less than 25 percent of daily energy needs.

But why should a balanced diet in the morning? Nutritionists believe that through breakfast and even for those who want to slim can eat fatty foods and carbohydrates such as white bread with butter, grits, or eggs.


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