Frequent Travel by Plane Can Make People Easily Forgotten

Are you among those who frequently travel by plane? Be careful, one expert said the travel too far and often with the aircraft could easily make people forget.

Quoted from geniusbeauty, people who are too often travel by plane for a long time will be easily tired and forgetful. This condition is sometimes lasted for several months after returning home.

According to Professor Lance Kriegsfeld from the University of California, thisdue to the existence of biorhythms disorder that causes temporary disturbance in the brain . Health problems such as these are faced by people who work at night and do not have a regular work schedule.

To prove the theory, was undertaken a study involving female sex hamster. During the 2 times a week, the hamster was flown by aircraft that travel time for 6 hours.

In these studies found that the hamster was experiencing jet lag that makes having difficulty doing light activity. Only after one month, the hamster is able to return to normal conditions. So that was written on

According to experts, this case because of decreased neural activity in the hippocampus (part of the brain responsible about memory problems) and slow the formation of new nerve tissue that can cause people easily forget. Therefore, it's good for business or holiday flight to avoid long and too often.


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