Drinking Beer Making Up Weight

The myth that says drinking beer causes of overweight is just a lie. The doctors have reached the conclusion that if a person chooses to drink the "right", did not intoxicate, and do not eat appetizers after that, it will be impossible overweight.

Based on a nutritionist from the University of Barcelona, Barcelona Hospital, and King Carlos III Institute of Health, they have found a dose which is calculated accurately and objectively is beer. This is the same with small doses, approximately 570 g of ale or beer. However, experts claim that this norm should be followed every day.

The scientists assert, that a half liter of beer a day can lower blood pressure, diabetes neutralize, and help reduce excessive weight. So that was quoted from Genius Beauty, Friday (21/01/2011).

According to the explanation of experts', beer contains a lot of folic acid, vitamins, iron and calcium that protects the heart and blood vessels. All elements of health easily override the negative effect of alcohol beer.

For information, beer contains 200 calories. This is equivalent to a cup of latte with milk, so concerned about body weight only in vain.

Earlier, Austrian beer expert to create a kind of new beer products that can enhance human potential. As a manufacturer, they inform, the effect achieved by adding the cheese into the drink.


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